First blog

To blog or not to blog ? That’s always been my question .

In college I enjoyed my time as a weekly columnist for The California Aggie , writing about pop culture , relationships , and sex as if I was the Carrie Bradshaw of UC Davis . You can say I was (and still am) inspired by Sarah Jessica Parker’s alter ego , but in the process , I introduced myself to me . By emulating something I loved , I discovered I not only loved to write , but loved how my writing could connect me to people . I received emails telling me my columns were the highlight of their week and they look forward to Mondays , which was when my columns were published. I would get stopped on my walks throughout campus , “Are you Mario Lugo? I love your columns!” Even some of my professors tuned in and enjoyed my stuff . But after I graduated , I followed a career in retail management and left my columns behind me .

More than a decade later, here I am still reminiscing about “when I was a writer .” It wasn’t until recently that I decided to put pen to paper again , for lack of a better phrase . (Fingertips to keyboard ? Ew.) Regardless , if not a single soul reads anything on this site , I can die happy knowing I attempted to scratch an itch that’s been tormenting me since I graduated in 2011 .

If you feel like reading any of my old stuff , click here . My instinct is to disclaim how young I was and how fresh I was to writing , but I can honestly say I stand by every article I’ve ever written . Even the one about raw dogging . I might use this blog to reference an old piece I’ve written or even go ahead and rewrite them as I would today . We’ll see .

Thanks for your time - xo , mario