Just finished this one for a second time . The more I read Salinger , the more I appreciate his writing . This one is about the two youngest siblings of the Glass family , and there are scenes and conversations in here that I love so much . Dark monologues and sharp commentary, but it ends oh so beautifully.
— Mario , finished 10/6/24
Just wow … I expected great writing from an Ann Patchett novel (read Tom Lake earlier this year), but I did not expect to be speechless , to cry , to simply LOVE this book . Written around the time of 9/11, this novel sifts through hostages and and their captors , but it’s about humans and love , the joys of life , and the heartbreaks the could come with true love . The ending will shatter you , but I’m so glad I read this one .
— Mario , finished 9/16/24
This was cute . A good read for the end of summer , something light that I could breeze through and keep at my reading goal . Not for everyone , but I at least don’t regret reading it .
— Mario , finished 9/3/24
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